Lawyer for crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual

Lawyer for crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual

The content of Chapter 18 of the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of illegal acts against sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual:

Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Sexual violence without the consent of the injured party by one or more people;
Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Violent acts of a sexual nature in relation to the injured party;
Article 133 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Forcing the injured party to commit sexual acts;
Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Sexual abuse of a minor without his consent;
Article 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Depraved actions.

For the commission of the designated list of illegal acts, the person who committed them or suspected of committing them is brought to criminal responsibility, the punishment is imprisonment, the decision on the case is made by the court. If you or your relatives are charged with committing crimes in the intimate sphere, then the first thing to do is to involve a lawyer who will help build a defense in such a way as to achieve justice in the case. Regardless of the specifics of a particular case, you can find a way out.

Protection in cases of crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual

KKA "Grozny & Partners" offers its clients the services of a qualified and experienced lawyer who is ready to take part in the proceedings on the case at any stage and provide professional assistance in defending the interests of a citizen.

A lawyer for crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual specializes in the consideration of cases related to the commission of illegal acts in the intimate sphere, the involvement of such a lawyer to work is the best option for those who are charged with crimes under Chapter 18 of the current Criminal Code RF. Our lawyers have a well-formed understanding of the specifics of such cases, which helps them develop a strategy designed to protect the interests of clients with minimal negative consequences for them. It is important to note that the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provide for significant terms for committing crimes in the intimate sphere, for this reason, if the court passes a guilty verdict, then the defendant will be assigned a real term.

A criminal lawyer, as part of his work, is engaged in a comprehensive analysis of all the circumstances of the case, takes into account all the nuances, collects data, forms an evidence base, and develops the right line of defense. The definition of mitigating circumstances is brought to the fore, the lawyer also ensures that investigators do not exceed their powers when conducting interrogations and obtaining evidence, analyzes the testimony of the injured party. After that, a set of protection methods is selected that are optimal for the client's case, their implementation makes it possible to protect the rights of a citizen.

Assistance of a qualified lawyer

Protection for sexual crimes is formed on an individual basis, taking into account all circumstances. Depending on the specifics of a particular case, a strategy is developed. Among the main tactics can be identified tactics aimed at exemption from criminal liability and tactics that aims to mitigate the verdict of the court in the case in relation to the accused, who is a client.

Special attention is paid to the position of the client, who must trust the lawyer and provide him with all the information on the case under consideration, which will allow him to build a defense based on reliable data and significantly increase the likelihood of obtaining the necessary result.

If you are charged with a sexual offense, you should first contact the lawyers of the KKA "Grozny and Partners". We are ready to provide legal assistance and ensure the protection of the legitimate rights of a citizen.

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Lawyers for crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual

Groznyi Boris Andreevich
    Burmistrov Alexander Alexandrovich